Welcome to Friends of Hūnua Ranges

Supporting and assisting the protection and use of the unique Hūnua Ranges

We will be working alongside Auckland Council and hope to have the involvement of anyone and everyone who uses the Hūnua Ranges – there are a lot of users, from forestry and Watercare to recreation groups and individuals to hunters and DOC. Any users who would like to be part of the Friends, let us know!

Great to see the opening of the new reception/office area at the Kokako Lodge (near the Hūnua Falls), a much-needed improvement. The Lodge is a wonderful 85 bed facility right next to all the activities by the Falls.  See www.kokakolodge.org.nz

Anyone looking for a research project?

How about the relationship between native bees and the forest and the impact of Varroa mite?

If you are going to the Ranges, please be careful and follow instructions posted in the area about Kauri Dieback disease. This is a deadly disease, killing kauri trees throughout the Auckland region.  The Hūnua Ranges are currently a healthy kauri area - help us keep it this way.

Park information: https://regionalparks.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/hunuaranges

Jet iT

Creating web that works

Like this website?  The fine folks at Jet Creative Studio built it for us!

Using ou Web Management tool JETPAC, the site administrators can create and publish new stories, manage users, send emails and look after the business.  It's reakky easy to use and provides all the necessary tools to give you full control of your online presence.

Not only that, but they offer full cloud based business solutions that will help your business run like a well oiled machine.

For more details visit their website or give their web developer and Friend of Hunua Ranges Gabb on (09) 5259623.

Our supporters
  • Kokako Recovery Project
  • Jet iT
  • Big Foot Adventures
  • Auckland Council
  • AristCake
  • Auckland MTB Club
  • Jet Park Airport Hotel