
Volunteer opportunites in the Hunua Ranges

Here is the latest list of volunteer opportunities in the Hunua Ranges.

Mountain bike trails - this is run via the Auckland Mountain Bike Club, click here.

Kokako - this is run via the Hunua Kokako Recovery Project

One of the best way to stay informed on such things is to subscribe to our email newsletter - that way you will hear about these activities as they come to press (now there's an old expression!). Click here to go to our eNewsletter subscription page.

Park: Task Description: Dates: Numbers required: Contact Person:
Ambury Beach clean-up Anytime 4 - 60 Janine        636 6118
Awhitu Track cutting Anytime 4 - 10 John            09 235 1106
  Beach clean up Anytime 4 - 20 09 235 1106
Hunua West Metalling stairs on Ernies track Anytime 6 - 20 292 4267
  Mountain bike track metalling Anytime 6 - 20 292 4267
  Challenge track metalling When dry  2 - 100 2924267
  Metalling Massey track Any time 2 - 10 2924267
  Lower Mangatawhiri Valley track - upgrade for PTA May-Feb 2-10 2924267
  Metalling Wairoa tracks While dry 2 - 100 292 4267
  Hunua Habitat and Piggotts bait line regular groups Any time individual 2924267
Hunua East Whakatiwai - Rabbit proof fence work Anytime 4 - 10 09 232 2714
  Waharau red track upgrade for PTA May - Sept 4 - 20 09 232 2714
  Waharau bait-lines - regular weekly group All year individuals 09 232 2714
Omana/Duder Shellbank clean-up Anytime 6 - 40 536 7012
  Nursery Weeding Anytime 2 - 12 Laura        536 6007
  Beach clean  Anytime   536 7012
Whakanewha (Waiheke) Weed control, this involves focusing on certain areas of the park and involves cutting or pulling out certain weed species and painting with a herbicide to prevent regrowth, tools required would be handsaws and gloves, we would provide the herbicide which is in a bottle and is simply painted on the stump of the weed. Anytime 2 - 10 372 5647
  Track benching and metalling, this involves digging and shovelling metal into wheelbarrows and transporting to location (sometimes quite a distance in the bush) tools required are wheelbarrows (we can provide three or four) and shovels and spades.  Anytime 4 - 20 372 5647
  Gorse clearing and rubbish pick up in bush along Gordons road roadside, gloves and hi viz vests. We can provide bags for the rubbish and herbicide to treat the gorse Anytime 2 - 20+ 372 5647
  Bait line clearing. Trim back vegetation with loppers, secateurs and handsaws. 1-3 volunteers. All year 1 - 3 372 5647
  Shellbank weeding. Pull out weeds and unwanted plants from shellbank to protect dotterel breeding area Autumn & winter 1 - 5  5647
Waitawa Mountain Bike Track metalling Anytime 6 - 20 292 2457
  Beach clean-up & Amenity garden weeding Anytime 6 - 20 292 2457

Our supporters
  • Jet iT
  • Big Foot Adventures
  • Auckland Council
  • AristCake
  • Auckland MTB Club
  • Jet Park Airport Hotel
  • Kokako Recovery Project